I have had several requests for more sampler classes. I finally finished designing my fall and Christmas samplers.
I will be offering both classes this Thursday in Urbana, IL. (I will offer the classes in Livermore, CA later in October as well)
Here are the pictures of the samplers:
These classes will be offered this coming Thursday, September 29 from 6:00 - 9:30 PM in Urbana, IL.
The classes will be help at the Liberty Commons Clubhouse at 1776 Independence Ave, Urbana, IL 61802.
The cost for each class is $25 per sampler (you can make one or both). For each sampler you make, you will receive at least $15 in product that you will take home with you.
The frames are not included in the price of the class. I will have some frames available if you want them for $5 per frame (I am offering them at cost).
Although the samplers look involved, it really doesn't take long to complete them. I held these classes this past weekend, and people were able to complete both samplers in 3 hours. I will have all supplies cut, prepped and ready for you to stamp and assemble!
To register for the class, please email me at [email protected].
All you need to bring to class is your scissors and adhesive!